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Since creating the Ledger Live companion app, we have continued...More

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Ledger announced today that the legendary product designer, Tony Fadell, inventor of the iPod and Nest, co-inventor of the iPhone and Ledger Stax, has joined Ledger’s board of directors. Lily Liu, President of the Solana Foundation and co-founder of Anagram, will also take a seat on the board.

Already an advisor to Ledger and an investor in the company, Tony began working with Ledger in 2021 and went on to design Ledger Stax, featuring the world’s first curved E Ink display, marking the inception of a new generation of secure touchscreen devices. Tony has been a key component of Ledger scaling to be a world leader in hardware development, and building the best-in-class secure supply chain.

“Tony’s expertise helped Ledger transition from a tech-led company into a product-led company” says Pascal Gauthier, Chairman and CEO of Ledger. “I wanted Tony to join the Ledger board so we can continue to call on his expertise in building incredible products that solve real user experience problems. This is what Tony does better than anyone else on the planet. I’m delighted Tony has accepted, and we look forward to working with him as we grow Ledger into the world’s next hardware giant.

“Ledger Stax was an idea that wouldn’t stop chasing me,” says Tony Fadell, iPod Godfather and Principal at Build Collective. “As a Board member I am looking forward to continuing to build and create with the incredible Ledger crew led by Pascal, Ian, and Cyril now. The capabilities we’ve created with Ledger Stax will be key to wider adoption of digital assets with its unique e-ink display, enhanced security, integration capabilities, and its user-friendly experience. We have raised the bar for hardware wallet design.”

Also joining the board is Lily Liu, President of the Solana Foundation and Co-Founder of Anagram.

“Lily has been a trusted confidant for a long time, and has given pertinent advice on a number of occasions,” says Pascal Gauthier, Chairman & CEO of Ledger. “Lily brings extensive experience from her unique background in both traditional finance and blockchain technologies. She is a true global business leader, with an impressive career covering the USA, Europe and Asia. This is salient expertise for a global business such as Ledger. I asked Lily to join the Ledger board as the business enters a new phase; her advice will be deeply valuable as Ledger continues to scale through the next bull cycle.

“Our common denominator across the blockchain is self-custody,

 says Lily Liu, President of the Solana Foundation, Co-Founder of Anagram, and new Ledger board member. “Self-custody equates to digital property rights and it is self sovereignty. Ledger has enabled anyone who wants its products and services to have safe, scalable, and convenient self-custody. It’s a cornerstone of our industry today, and I am excited to contribute to Ledger’s next phase of growth.