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We take care of your well-being.

1000Farmacie is an Italian platform that brings together pharmacies, parapharmacies and other partners to offer you a wide range of products for your health and well-being. Our job is to support you throughout the purchasing process, from our chat or telephone consultation to the delivery of the products directly to your home. In recent years we have shipped thousands of orders throughout Italy thanks to over sixty pharmacies and other partners who have chosen to rely on 1000Farmacie to offer their products.

1000Farmacie: The parapharmacy just one click away

On 1000Farmacie you can find over 100,000 products at the best price made available by our partners and our parapharmacy. Our mission is to be your point of reference for the purchase of parapharmaceutical but also healthcare products, homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicines.

Through 1000Farmacie you can purchase parapharmaceuticals online and get home delivery wherever you are in Italy. Do you think purchasing on 1000Farmacie is a difficult process? Not at all: in case you need qualified assistance, all you have to do is call us or contact us via chat and you will receive support in creating the order.

Why physically go to a store, queue and buy when there is 1000Farmacie at your service? It couldn’t be easier than this.

The services we offer

With 1000Farmacie you can purchase parapharmaceutical products online throughout Italy. In addition to delivering products purchased online to your home, we provide accurate, authoritative and reliable information on parapharmaceuticals and help people use them effectively and safely through our professionals.

Visit our online store now and discover a new shopping experience.

How prices are calculated

Through 1000Farmacie it is possible to purchase and receive products directly at home.

Here’s how to buy on 1000Farmacie:

  • Find your products and add them to your cart
  • If you decide to purchase a product, the price indicated is that of the pharmacy or other partner that makes it available on 1000Farmacie at the lowest price
  • If you decide to purchase more than one product, you may experience a price change on some of the products in your cart. This is because the system automatically selects, for purchase purposes, the Seller who appears to have the availability of all the products placed by the user in the cart and who offers these products at the lowest overall price (as indicated in the Terms and Conditions).
  • Enter the delivery address: we deliver throughout Italy via reliable couriers such as GLS, SDA and Bartolini. The shipping cost (€4.90) is free for orders over €39.
  • Proceed to payment and receive the products directly to your home. The following payment methods are currently available:
    • by credit/debit card, through secure systems (SSL encryption) in order to guarantee maximum safety for the User